A small rock in the Atlantic

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Sunday, 17 July 2011

Fiesta de Santana in San Jose (Brena Baja)

San Jose in Breña Baja is celebrating its annual fiesta.

Tonight, Sunday 17th
6pm is the Old Folks' festival, followed by a public dance in front of the town hall.

Tuesday 19th
5pm - 7 pm Bouncy castles in front of the town hall.

9:30 pm . Open-air cinema "Harry Potter y Las Reliquias de la Muerte." In the football stadium

Wednesday 20th
6:30 pm PASACALLES DISNEY along the main street of San José, accompanied by the Batucada (serious percussion) group Klan Aborígen followed by a Disney festival. "Share a world of dreams with your favourite Disney characters."
In front of the town hall.

9:30 pm . Open-air cinema "El Discurso del Rey."
In the football stadium

Thursday 21st
5pm - 7 pm Bouncy castles in front of the town hall.

7 pm. Petanca (bowls) tournament beside the Bar Travesía (on the main street). If you want to take part, sign up at the bar.

8 pm. Helena Turbo Teatro performs “ROMANCERO CANARIO", a theatrical spectacle for all the family based on Canarian oral history
In front of the town hall.

Friday 22nd
7pm Petanca (bowls) tournament beside the Bar Travesía (on the main street).

7pm. Concert by the town band in the parish hall (beside the new church)

9pm. Performance by the AWARA choir with the musical spectacle “Voces de la emigración”. (Voices of emigration) A musical journey through the sounds that surround an ocean, where the Canary Islands have been a meeting place for cultures.
In front of the town hall.

11pm. Big Fiesta Dj “SUMMER PARTY” organized by Abora Conexión.
In front of the town hall.

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