What's On
Well I wellied. I thought Tazacorte would have its procession of Fufo horses tonight, but it was last night. Sorry. Tonight they have a special mass at 7:30 pm, followed by a procession and fireworks. On Friday there's a concert in Casa Massieu (an old manor house) at 9:30 pm, and on Saturday the pop group "Pereza" will give a concert in the sports centre at 10 pm.
San Miguel in Breña Alta has the same patron saint (St. Michael the archangel) so they've been having fiestas too. The good bit with the fireworks was on Saturday (oops.)
Meanwhile we also have a general strike, in protest at the government's austerity measures. I have no idea how many people will actually strike.
Labels: Breña Alta, fiestas, Tazacorte
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