A small rock in the Atlantic

All about the island of La Palma, in the Canaries.

Click for La Palma, Canary Islands Forecast

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

I'm on TV tonight!

At the beginning of the month I had a TV crew following me around for a couple of days. The results will be on the telly on TV Canarias at 10:30 tonight, as part of the programme "Canarias, Mi Mundo".

In other news, I've just started a course to become an official "starlight guide". It's quite intense, and I find five hours of Spanish quite tiring but it's fun.

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Monday, 21 March 2011

Photos of the Sardine in Los Sauces

Drag queens at the sardine's funeral, Los Sauces, March 19th 2011Drag queens at the sardine's funeral

Here are some photos of the Sardine's funeral at Los Sauces.

Drag queens at the sardine's funeral, Los Sauces, March 19th 2011Drag queens at the sardine's funeral

Drag queen singing a servillana at the sardine's funeralDrag queen singing a servillana at the sardine's funeral

Party-goer dressed as a brideParty-goer dressed as a bride

The crowd themselves provided pretty good entertainment, too. Not everyone was in fancy dress, but there were some great costumes there.

Party-goers dressed as witches at the sardine's funeral Party-goers dressed as witches at the sardine's funeral

Party-goer in drag at the sardine's funeral at Los Sauces, March 19th 2011Party-goer in drag at Los Sauces

Devil and angel at the sardine's funeral at Los Sauces, March 19th 2011Devil and angel at Los Sauces

Party-goers  in drag  at the sardine's funeral at Los Sauces, March 19th 2011Party-goers in drag at Los Sauces, March 19th 2011

After the drag queens, it was time for the funeral procession. Most places have the sardine on the back of a lorry, but in sauces, the huge bier is hand carried, and they toss it around as though it’s on a rough sea. I hope to get some video up later. Meanwhile, here’s some photos.
The Sardine's Funeral, Los Sauces, 2011The Sardine's Funerals 2011 The Sardine's Funeral, Los Sauces, 2011The Sardine's Funeral Procession passing the church, 2011

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